Terms and conditions

Effective from 2024. 10. 24
1. General provisions

The present General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “GTC“) is applicable to BL Nonprofit Kft.’s (registered office: 1067 Budapest, Eötvös utca 24. door; email: blpress@blpress.hu; hereinafter referred to as the “Publisher“) online sales, namely sales ofMagyar Krónika, Hungarian Conservative and Hungarian Review (hereinafter referred to as the “Publications“) as printed press products, for one-time purchase or annual subscription of these publications and the sale of books distributed by the Publisher to third parties via the website www.blshop.hu.

1.1 Scope of GTC

These GTC cover the following activities:

Offering a subscription/single purchase,
Accepting an offer for a subscription/single purchase,
Collect Subscription Fees/Purchase Price,
Delivery and distribution of the Publication by the Publisher or by intermediaries or distribution networks,
handling Subscriber/customer notifications, comments, complaints, consumer rights.

The Publisher will make these Terms and Conditions available to the public in printed form at the Publisher’s registered office and in electronic form at www.blshop.hu (the “Website“) and at https://kronika.hu/, https://www.hungarianconservative.com/, http://www.hungarianreview.com/.

This GTC is in force from the date indicated above for an indefinite period.

1.2 Definitions

Subscriber and/or consumer: a natural or legal person who has a contractual relationship with the Publisher for the order/purchase of a Publication or other product.

Publisher: the BL Nonprofit Ltd., who, in the framework of the subscriber/sales relationship with the Subscriber, delivers the Publication or other product to the delivery address specified by the Subscriber for consideration (delivery) and transfers the ownership of the same to the Subscriber or to another person specified by the Subscriber – the recipient.

Subscription: a contractual relationship for a limited period of time, established by the acceptance by the Publisher of an order (offer) for a Subscription to the Publisher’s Publication, containing the data necessary for the provision of the Service, the object of which is the transfer of ownership of the Publication to the Subscriber or to another person (recipient) specified by the Subscriber, upon delivery of the Publication to the Subscriber or to another person (recipient) specified by the Subscriber, in return for payment of the Subscription Fee.

Subscription Fee: a fee in HUF and/or in foreign currency, published on the Website and valid at any time, payable by the Subscriber to the Publisher for the Subscription Period for the Subscription Service and for the delivery of the Publication to the Delivery Address and the transfer of ownership of the Publication to the Subscriber (recipient).

Delivery address: the name and address to which the Publisher is obliged to deliver the Publication as a result of the Subscription. The Publisher shall, as a general rule, deliver the Publication to the Delivery Address using the intermediaries specified in Annex 1.

Other product: additional products (such as books) distributed by the Publisher.

2. How to use the service

The Subscription/Purchase can be accessed through the Website without prior registration, by providing the information required for the Subscription/Purchase. Once the Subscription has been made, a sales contract is established between the Subscriber and the Publisher for a specific period and for a specific Publication, to be performed at specified intervals.

Order process

I. Using the shopping basket and placing your order

II. How to check and correct data entry errors

III. Payment and delivery methods

IV. Acceptance of the GTC

V. Sending the order

VI. Confirmation of the order

VII. Processing and fulfilment of the order

The Service Provider shall provide details of the essential characteristics of the product, in particular its name, description and a photograph of the products. The images displayed on the product data sheets may differ from the reality, in some cases they are used as illustrations.

I. Using the shopping cart

The consumer can shop from the products on the Website. The details of the selected product can be viewed by clicking on the product. If the customer wishes to purchase, the product is added to the virtual shopping cart by clicking on the “Kosárba teszem” button.

The contents of your shopping cart can be viewed at any time during the purchase, showing the current purchase amount without the shipping costs. The shipping cost is added to the purchase amount after selecting the products by entering the shipping information. The online system automatically displays the shipping cost in the total. The total amount and other details of the order will be available for the User to check again on a summary page at the end of the purchase.

After completing the purchase, the consumer will receive an electronic invoice at the electronic notification address provided by the consumer.

II. How to check and correct data entry errors

The Subscriber/Consumer has the possibility to correct data entry errors at any time during the purchase process, in particular when checking the aggregated data that will become available at the end of the purchase.

It is the responsibility of the Subscriber/Consumer to ensure that the data provided is entered accurately, as the product will be billed and delivered based on the data provided. By placing an order, the Subscriber/Consumer acknowledges that the Publisher is entitled to charge the Subscriber/Consumer for all damages and costs resulting from incorrect data entry, inaccurate data entry. The Publisher excludes any liability for performance based on inaccurate data entry.

III. Payment and delivery methods


The prices shown on the Website include the current value added tax, which is shown on the Website in both HUF and EUR.

In the case of annual subscriptions, the delivery of Publication and all other costs are fully included in the Subscription fee, while in the case of non-annual subscriptions – individual Publication – the delivery fee is determined in accordance with Annex 1 to these GTC.

Subscription fees will be collected by the Publisher or its agent, which may be collected as follows:

via an Internet payment site (transaction site) operated by a financial institution/online payment issuer using credit cards accepted by the transaction site (credit card payment),
by prepayment from a bank account (the Subscriber must pay the Subscription Fee within 7 calendar days of the date of the communication of the prepayment details by the Publisher, otherwise the order will be invalid).

The Website’s system will notify the Subscriber immediately of successful payment by credit card, while the Publisher will notify the Subscriber within 4 working days of the successful payment in advance.

Delivery of the Publication

The Publisher will deliver the paid Publication directly or through an intermediary distribution network(s) to the Delivery Address provided by the Subscriber.

It is legally possible to have the Publication delivered by the forwarder commissioned by the Publisher or by Magyar Posta Zrt., except in the case of Subscription, when the forwarder will deliver the Publication to the delivery address.

Place of delivery

A mailbox at the Subscriber’s Delivery Address or at the place indicated therein, which is suitable for the safe and undamaged placement of the Publication in such a way that no unauthorized person can access it.

In the absence of a secure letterbox, the Publisher cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from the undeliverability of the distributed Publications.

The delivery deadlines

Delivery times vary according to the capacity of the intermediaries and the distribution network, but the publisher undertakes to deliver (or attempt to deliver) the publication to the subscriber no later than 10 working days from the date of the order or, in the case of an existing subscription, from the date of publication of the new issue. The Publisher shall not be liable for failure to comply with the delivery date published at the time of subscription if this is due to force majeure. This exclusion of liability is acknowledged and accepted by the subscriber.

Handling notifications, comments, request for information

The subscriber may address any comments, requests or notices regarding the delivery to the publisher. This may be done in person or by telephone, letter or e-mail.

IV. Acceptance the GTC

When making a purchase, the consumer, if he wishes to use the services of the Website, must accept the terms and conditions of these GTC, which he can do by selecting the checkbox on the form for submitting an order. Upon acceptance of the terms and conditions of these GTC, a contract under these GTC is concluded between the Publisher and the consumer, in the case of an order.

If the consumer does not accept the terms and conditions of the GTC, he/she cannot use the services of the Website and cannot place an order.

The contract on acceptance of the GTC shall be terminated by cancellation of the User’s registration.

The language of the contract will be Hungarian.

V. Sending the order

After checking the contents and the amount of the shopping cart and selecting the delivery and payment method, the order is finalized by pressing the “Megrendelés” button and then the system forwards the order to the Publisher.

The prices and information published in the Website do not constitute an invitation to tender, so the sending of the Subscriber’s/consumer’s order does not constitute the conclusion of a contract between the Publisher and the Subscriber/consumer, only the confirmation of the Publisher.

By placing an order through the Website, the Subscriber/consumer acknowledges and accepts these GTC.

The Publisher informs natural person Subscribers/consumers that if the Subscriber/consumer pays or agrees to pay the price of the goods or services, he/she is entitled to consumer protection rights.

VI. Confirmation of the order

The Publisher shall confirm receipt of the Consumer’s order to the Consumer by electronic means without delay. If this confirmation is not received by the consumer within a reasonable period of time, depending on the nature of the service, but no later than 48 hours from the date of the consumer’s order, the consumer shall be released from the obligation to make an offer or enter into a contract. Orders and confirmations thereof shall be deemed to have been received by the Publisher or the Consumer as soon as they are at the latter’s disposal.

If the conditions are fully met, a contract is concluded between the consumer and the publisher when the consumer places an order on the web shop pages and the publisher confirms the order by e-mail.

VII. Order processing and fulfilment

Orders will be processed on the day they are received if the order is placed on a working day. If the order falls on a weekend or public holiday, it will be processed on the next working day.

The web shop will immediately inform the consumer that the order has been accepted. This notification does not constitute a contract between the Publisher and the Consumer. Once the order has been processed and accepted by the Publisher, the Publisher shall send the Consumer a confirmation, which shall constitute the conclusion of the contract.

If the publisher fails to fulfil its contractual obligations because the product specified in the contract is not available, it shall immediately inform the consumer and refund the amount paid by the consumer without delay and at the latest within fourteen (14) days. Fulfilment of this obligation shall not exempt the publisher from the other consequences of its breach of contract.

The Consumer’s contract with the Publisher regarding the subject of the order shall be terminated upon fulfilment, unless the right of withdrawal is exercised in accordance with the law. The Publisher shall fulfil the Consumer’s order in the manner and within the deadlines set out in Article III of these General Terms and Conditions.

3. Content of the Subscription

The Publisher shall deliver the Publications to the Delivery Address upon payment of the subscription fee in advance and shall transfer ownership of the Publications to the Subscriber by delivery to a post office or other collection box or by personal delivery.

Subscriber Account: The Publisher will maintain a separate account for Subscribers on the Website during the Subscription Period, where Subscribers can check the content and duration of their Subscription, change their delivery and billing details, change their credit card details through the Payment Service Provider, cancel or renew their Subscription and add new Subscriptions.

Subscription Period: Unless otherwise agreed, the Subscription Period will commence on the working day on which the Publisher confirms the subscription and will run for 12 months from that working day. Unless otherwise agreed, the Publisher will send the first copy of the periodical published on the date of payment of the subscription fee under the relevant subscription. A subscription period (12 months) consists of four issues (editions of a magazine), which are automatically renewed for a further 12-month period on the last day of the 12th month of the subscription period, unless otherwise agreed by the subscriber. The Publisher shall issue the invoice and send it to the Subscriber no later than 3 working days after acceptance of the offer (conclusion of the contract).

Data required for Subscription

for Subscriptions by natural persons: name of the Subscriber, billing address, delivery address (town, street, house number, floor, door, postal code), telephone number, e-mail address, payment method.
in case of Subscription by a legal entity: name of the Subscriber Company, billing address, delivery address (municipality, street, house number, floor, door, postal code), mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, tax number, method of payment.
-n the case of a purchase for a gift recipient, in addition to the above, the full name of the gift recipient, delivery address (town, street, house number, floor, door, postcode), telephone number, e-mail address.

4. Amendment, termination of the legal relationship between the Publisher and the Subscriber

Change your Subscription

The subscriber relationship between the Publisher and the Subscriber may be amended in the following cases:

In case of changes in subscriber details (name, address [billing, mailing, delivery], etc.),
In the event of a change in subscription details (price change, payment method, periodical, etc.).

In the event of a change in the Subscriber’s details, the change in the Subscriber’s name or address or the change in the delivery address must be notified to the Subscriber via the account available on the Website at least 15 working days before the next delivery of the next publication. The Publisher shall not be liable for any loss arising from failure or delay to do so. .

The Subscriber must notify the Publishers of any changes in other data within 8 days of their occurrence.

The Publisher may unilaterally change the Subscription Fees for the Publication. In the event of changes to the Subscription Fees, the Publisher may:

publish on the Website,
In the event of an increase in the subscription fee, the change will not apply to fees already billed, provided that the subscription fee is paid by the last day of the billing period, and the difference in fees will not be charged,
In the event of a reduction in the subscription fee, the Publisher shall credit the difference to the subscription fee for the following period, unless the Subscriber requests otherwise. Upon written request from the subscriber, the publisher will refund the difference to the subscriber.

Termination of Subscription

The subscription relationship between the Publisher and the Subscriber shall be terminated in the following cases

if the Subscriber fails to pay the subscription fee for the Publication by the due date or, in the case of an automatic renewal, if the charge to the credit card provided by the Subscriber fails to clear three consecutive times, the subscriber cancels the subscription via the account available on the website, as provided by law,
by withdrawal of the publication from distribution, or
by the dissolution of the Publisher without legal succession.

If a subscription is cancelled, the subscriber will be refunded, within 14 calendar days of notification of cancellation, the portion of the subscription for which no attempt has been made to deliver a publication to the subscriber (if a quarterly publication has already been published and the publisher has attempted to deliver it to the subscriber, the subscriber will not be refunded for that publication, but if the subscriber cancels his/her subscription before the next issue is published, the subscriber will be refunded for the next issue).

5. Complaints handling and the consumer’s right of withdrawal

5.1 Complaints and its handling

The Publisher maintains a Customer Service Department for the purpose of contacting Subscribers and handling complaints and grievances. In order for the complaint to be investigated, the complainant must provide the information required by the Customer Service Department to identify the subscription (name, address, publication reference, subscription period or subscriber code, account number).

If the publication delivered is faulty or has not been delivered, the request for replacement or refund may be made in writing by post or by email from the email address provided by the subscriber to blpress@blpress.hu. Any refund of the subscription fee or replacement of the publication will be made within 14 days of notification.

Any comments or complaints regarding the subscription (quality of the publication, quality of delivery, non-delivery of the publication, etc.) may be made in writing by post or by e-mail to blpress@blpress.hu from the e-mail address provided by the subscriber.

If a complaint or claim is received by the Publisher’s Customer Service Department, the Publisher will handle the complaint/claim in accordance with applicable law and will proceed as follows:

The verbal complaint will be promptly investigated and, if necessary, remedied. The manner in which the complaint/grievance will be dealt with will be explained in advance and prior agreement will be sought. If the complainant/complainant is not satisfied with the handling of the complaint/complaint, or if it is not possible to investigate the complaint immediately, the Publisher will immediately record the complaint and its position and send a copy of the record to the complainant no later than the time of the substantive response, but no later than 30 days. Complaints made by telephone will be given a unique identification number by the Publisher.

The data recorded in the complaint/grievance will allow the following to be identified

The name and address of the complainant,
where, when and how the complaint was made
a detailed description of the complaint
a statement by the Publisher of its position on the complaint/grievance, where an immediate investigation of the complaint is possible
the person who made the complaint.

The Publisher will retain the data relating to the complaint for a period of five years and will provide it to the Supervisory Authority on request.

Contact details for the complaint’s helpdesk

Complaints about subscriptions and payments can be made to the Publisher:

By telephone to the Publisher on 0036 70 627 9086, Monday to Thursday between 10 AM and 3 PM,
in writing to the Publisher at its registered office,
by e-mail to blpress@blpress.hu from the e-mail address previously provided by the subscriber to the publisher.

Upon request, the subscriber will be informed of the outcome of the investigation. All complaints reported to the Publisher’s Complaints Service will be investigated within 30 days and the complainant will be informed of the outcome of the investigation.

5.2. Consumer protection authority(ies)

The Publisher and the Consumer will attempt to resolve their dispute amicably. If this fails, the consumer may take legal action:

Conciliation Body of Budapest

Address: HU- 1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99. I. emelet 110.

Mailing address: 1253 Budapest, Pf.: 10.

Email: bekelteto.testulet@bkik.hu

Phone: 0036 1 488 21 31

Body acting in first instance in consumer protection matters: Government Offices

More about details: https://fogyasztovedelem.kormany.hu/#/fogyasztovedelmi_hatosag

European Consumer Centre online interface


5.3. Right of withdrawal and how to exercise it

The consumer has the right to exercise his right of withdrawal or cancellation within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the first periodical by the subscriber or a third party authorised by the subscriber from the carrier designated by the subscriber (order) in the case of a subscription, or within 14 calendar days from the date of receipt of the goods by the subscriber or a third party authorised by the subscriber in the case of an order for a specific publication. This provision does not affect the consumer’s right to exercise this right of withdrawal during the period between the conclusion of the contract (payment of the subscription fee) and the date of receipt of the goods. If the right of withdrawal is exercised within 14 calendar days of receipt of the goods, the consumer shall bear the cost of returning the goods.

The consumer may exercise his right of withdrawal or cancellation within 14 calendar days from the date of the previous paragraph, by sending (posting) his declaration within this period. It is up to the consumer to prove that he has met this deadline.

The consumer may exercise his right of withdrawal or cancellation by sending a clear statement by post to the Publisher’s head office or by sending an e-mail to the Publisher’s e-mail address (blpress@blpress.hu). Acknowledgement of the consumer’s exercise of this right will be sent to the consumer by the publisher without delay.

The consumer loses his right of withdrawal after 14 calendar days from the date of receipt (delivery) of the individual order or the first publication included in the Subscription by the Subscriber, or a third party authorized by him.

Information on the Subscriber/Consumer’s rights under the Accessories Warranty, the Product Warranty and the Guarantee and how to enforce them is set out in Appendix 2 to these General Terms and Conditions.

6. Limitation of liability

The Publisher assumes that the Subscriber/Consumer is aware of and accepts the possibilities and limitations of the Internet, particularly with regard to technical performance and possible errors.

The Publisher accepts no responsibility for the causes of failure listed below:

any malfunction in the Internet network that prevents the Website from functioning properly and preventing the purchase,
any failure of any purchasing device on the communication lines,
any non-registered or non-return receipted mail, whether in paper or electronic form, in particular any loss of data,
malfunctioning of any software
the consequences of any program failure, exceptional occurrence or technical error.

Furthermore, the Publisher shall not be liable for any incorrectly stated price and the Subscriber/Consumer shall not accept any offer made at an incorrectly stated price and, if accepted, the Publisher shall not be obliged to perform, even if it has a legitimate claim. A price shall be deemed to be incorrect if there is a striking discrepancy in the value of a product between its true price and the price indicated, which should be immediately apparent to the average consumer. The assessment of commercial practices should be based on the behaviour of a consumer who is reasonably well informed and who acts with the care and diligence normally expected in the circumstances.

7. Miscellaneous

The Publisher does not have a code of conduct under the Unfair Commercial Practices Act.

The Publisher reserves the right to unilaterally amend these General Conditions, which the Subscriber expressly accepts. Correction of typing errors, spelling mistakes, changes to the Publisher’s company details or other changes to the administration or mandatory applicable laws and regulations shall not constitute an amendment to these GTC.

Any amendment to these General Terms and Conditions and/or the documents referred to herein will be published by the Publisher on the Website and in printed form at the Publisher’s registered office with a special notice before the amendment comes into force.

The time limit for sending the revised or amended Terms and Conditions referred to above, as well as for sending amended Terms and Conditions where the amendment is required by a change in legislation and/or administrative act, may be shorter than the 15-day time limit that would otherwise apply.

These Terms and Conditions and the contracts and obligations arising hereunder shall be governed by Hungarian law.

Annex No. 1

Delivery fees

For the purchase of magazine issues and books:


Hungarian Post Office:

Delivered to a P.O. box/mailbox: 990 HUF
Home delivery: 1.990 HUF

Fees of Hungarian Post Office: https://www.posta.hu/static/internet/download/PASZF_ASZF02_Termeklapok.pdf


Home delivery: 2.480 HUF

Fees of GLS: https://ecsomag.hu/hu/arak


Hungarian Post Office:

Home delivery (inside the customs border of the EU outside of it): 4.490 HUF
Home delivery (other foreign countries): 5.990 HUF

Fees of Hungarian Post Office: https://www.posta.hu/static/internet/download/PASZF_ASZF02_Termeklapok.pdf

If you buy an annual subscription

For annual subscriptions, we offer reduced shipping costs as follows:

Inland: the delivery charge is included in the Subscription fee.

Abroad: the delivery charge is included in the Subscription fee.

Annex No. 2

Accessories warranty

In which cases can you exercise your right to a warranty?

In the event of the Publisher’s defective performance, you may claim against the Publisher under the rules of the Hungarian Civil Code.

What rights do you have under a warranty claim?

You may, at your option, make the following warranty claims:

You may ask for repair or replacement, unless this is impossible or would impose disproportionate additional costs on the business compared to another request. If you did not or could not ask for repair or replacement, you can ask for an appropriate reduction in the price, or have the defect repaired or replaced at the trader’s expense, or, as a last resort, withdraw from the contract. In the case of a contract between a consumer and a trader for the sale of goods, the supply of digital content or the provision of digital services, you cannot, when exercising your rights under the implied warranty, repair the defect yourself or have it repaired by another person at the trader’s expense. You can switch from one warranty right to another, but you will have to pay the cost of the switch unless it is justified, or the business has given a reason for it.

What is the deadline for you to make a warranty claim?

You must notify us of the defect as soon as you discover it, but no later than two months after the defect is discovered. You should note, however, that you cannot claim any warranty rights beyond the two-year limitation period from the date of performance of the contract. In the case of second-hand goods, this period is ……………………………, but not less than one year.

Who can you claim against?

You can make a claim against the Publisher.

What other conditions apply to the enforcement of your rights under the warranty?

Within one year of the date of performance, you may claim a replacement warranty on the basis of the defect, provided that you prove that the product or service was provided by the company that performed the service. However, after one year from the date of performance, the onus is on you to prove that the defect you discovered existed at the time of performance.

Product warranty

When can you exercise your right to a product guarantee?

In the event of a defect in a movable item (hereinafter referred to as the “Product” for the purposes of this clause), you may, at your option, exercise your right under clause 1 or claim under the Product Warranty in accordance with the provisions of the Hungarian Civil Code.

What rights do you have under a product warranty claim?

As a product warranty claim, you can ask for the defective product to be repaired or replaced.

Who can you make a product warranty claim against?

You can exercise your product warranty rights against the manufacturer or distributor of the product (together referred to as the “manufacturer”).

In which cases is the product considered defective?

A product is defective if it does not meet the quality requirements in force when it was placed on the market or if it does not have the characteristics described by the manufacturer.

What is the deadline for your product warranty claim?

You have two years from the date the product was put on the market by the manufacturer to make a product warranty claim. After this period, you will lose this right.

What is the rule of evidence for a product warranty claim?

In a product warranty claim, you must prove that the product was defective when it was put on the market by the manufacturer.

In which cases is the manufacturer exempted from its product warranty obligation?

The manufacturer is exempt from his product warranty obligation if he can prove that – the product was not manufactured or placed on the market in the course of his business, or – the defect was not detectable according to the state of science and technology at the time of placing on the market, or – the defect in the product results from the application of a legal or regulatory provision. The manufacturer only needs to prove one of these grounds. Please note that you can make both an accessory warranty claim against the company and a product warranty claim against the manufacturer for the same defect. If your product warranty claim is successful, you will only be able to claim against the manufacturer for the replaced product or the repaired part of the product.


When can you exercise your right to a guarantee?

In the event of defective performance, you may assert a statutory warranty claim and/or a statutory warranty declaration (underlined where appropriate) in accordance with the provisions of the Hungarian Civil Code.

What rights do you have if the guarantee is based on law?

In the case of new consumer durables (hereinafter: consumer durables), as defined in the Ministerial Decree on the definition of the product groups of consumer durables covered by the mandatory guarantee, you may exercise your rights under point 1 above in the event of a performance defect under the conditions set out in the Government Decree on the mandatory guarantee for certain consumer durables.

What additional rights do you have under a statutory guarantee?

In the case of a consumer product, you can request a repair during the warranty period. Replacement is available after the first repair attempt if it is determined that the consumer product cannot be repaired and you do not request another repair. You can also request a replacement if the repair has not been carried out within 30 days of your request for repair. A replacement is also justified if the consumer goods fail again after three repairs during the guarantee period, provided that you do not request another repair. If a replacement is not possible in these cases, you may also request a refund of the purchase price.

What is the deadline for exercising your rights under the mandatory warranty?

Duration of the guarantee for consumer goods

a) two years for sales prices between HUF 10,000 and HUF 250,000,

(b) three years for sales prices above HUF 250,000 (from HUF 250,001).

What are your rights and time limits if the guarantee is based on a voluntary commitment?

In the event of defective performance by you of the …, you are entitled to the ………………….. warranty rights within the ………… time limit set out in the ………………….. warranty statement. You may exercise your rights under the warranty by means of the warranty voucher provided to you; the validity of the warranty is not affected by the improper issue of the warranty voucher or the failure to issue it. In the event of failure to present the warranty voucher, the contract will be deemed to have been concluded if you provide proof of payment of the consideration. The return of the unopened packaging of the consumer goods is not a condition for the guarantee to be honoured.

What additional requirements can be imposed as a condition of exercising warranty rights?

Specific requirements (such as periodic inspection) may be imposed on the consumer to ensure the correct installation or maintenance of a consumer product, provided that the correct installation or maintenance cannot be ensured by other means and that compliance with the requirement does not impose a disproportionate burden on the consumer.

When is a company exempt from its warranty obligations?

The company is exempt from its guarantee obligation if it can prove that the cause of the defect occurred after the service. Please note that you can make both a warranty and a guarantee claim, as well as a product warranty and a guarantee claim, for the same defect. However, once you have successfully pursued a claim for defective performance for a particular defect (for example, the company has replaced the product), you cannot pursue a claim for the same defect on any other legal basis.